Don’t you want to wake up rested and happy after a good night’s sleep but you are not because of the allergies from the dust mites in your bedroom? The dust mites can make you feel unhappy each morning after waking up from these minute critters taking over your nice warm bed at night. You can prevent them from attacking your home with the help of these tips:

1. Purchase organic cotton mattress covers. These can prevent dust mites from invading your beds.

2. Wash linens in hot water on a weekly basis to kill dust mites and eggs that might be living in your bed linens.

3. Keep your pets off the furniture because they can trigger the spread of dust mites.

4. Kill dust mite eggs by alternately placing stuffed animals and cloth toys in resealable plastic bags and place them in a freezer for a few days. This can kill dust mites(link) and eggs lodging in the toys.

5. Purify the air to lessen the number of airborne pollutants in the home. This can remove particles as small as .3 microns, including dust mites. You will also breathe fresher air when you do this.

Here are some tips about bed cleaning today!

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